Bodymind January Float Notes

“I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness.

All seems beautiful to me.

Whoever denies me, it shall not trouble me;

Whoever accepts me, he or she shall be blessed, and shall bless me.”

― Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass


Unlike the five senses we use to process the outside world, “interoception” is how we process internal body messages.

For example, interoception is how we “know” when we feel ill. Internal receptors tell the brain we are nauseated, feverish, or congested.

Similarly, when we have good interoceptive awareness, we notice the effect external sensory messages have on our internal state.

If I am having a difficult encounter with a person, my stress level increases. Interoception—my awareness of the “stress” feeling—signals my brain that I need to self-regulate to lower my arousal level.

A recent podcast delved into the unconscious effect interoception has on our mental state: "Your brain, your spinal cord, your peripheral nervous system ... they're constantly monitoring what's happening inside the body. And at times, you become aware of it. But most of the time, you're not."

We are overstimulated by external distractions—the low noise of the TV, “doom-surfing” the internet, emails and texts, social media—and fail to notice the fatigue, anxiety, and tension these distractions create.

As you may have guessed by this point in a newsletter from a Float Center (LOL!), Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy (i.e. “floating”) is a wonderful antidote to external overstimulation. A float (or just 30 minutes in a quiet room away from our devices) removes the external stimulation, and allows our interoceptive receptors time to reset. It’s a gift to ourselves and to those around us….

You can check out the complete podcast here: Information overload

Allergy Season!

Oh man. Here it comes…. Sneezing. Watery eyes. Scratchy throat…. It’s ALLERGY SEASON (dun dun dun)!

Halo therapy (the “salt room”) brings traditional remedies like spending time near the sea into the 21st century. Our state-of-the-art salt generator grinds pharmaceutical grade salt into particles from 1-10 microns in size and dispenses them into the air.

When inhaled, mucous thins, the sinuses drain, and breathing is easier. Plus, the salt room is a really cool and relaxing place to spend some time!

What is Salt Therapy?

Hope Floats!

We’re proud of the health benefits that float-research has revealed, but we also think it’s important that the medical profession take the next step.

What would that look like? We envision a time when doctors and medical professionals can actually prescribe floating for anxiety and specific bodily pains!

To this end, your very own Bodymind Float Center Syracuse is participating in a fundraising drive for The Float Research Collective.

To participate, follow the link below or click the image!

Friday Deep Relaxation Group with Safe Space!

Friday’s “Deep Relaxation Group” with Safe Space will now run the second Friday of every month! Next up, Friday January 12th!

The Deets…

Cost: Free, donation-based

Time: 6pm

Location: Bodymind Salt Room

How do I book?

Note that space is limited. If you missed out last month, don't let this opportunity slip away again!

Hosted in collaboration with Safe Space Organization & @agraff.mindfulhealthcoach, this event promises a profound sense of relaxation and well-being. 🌿

Clickable Link 🔗 of the QR code above

(because pointing your phone at its screen is a curious endeavor)

Float Foundations

As announced in the May newsletter, Bodymind has launched a program for new floaters—and casual floaters who aren’t yet members—to dive deeper into their floating practice.

Congratulations to the floaters who have completed their first three floats! We are sincerely thrilled to have you here, and grateful to those who have made their practice more regular through a membership!

We at Bodymind Syracuse believe that the more you float, the more you get out of floating. In support of this practice, we encourage you to take advantage of our “Float Foundations Starter Bundle.”

For more info about the Float Foundations Starter Bundle, follow the link below:

Float Discounts

You totally deserve it.

Meet the Staff!

He runs the float center, wrestles a 3-year old at home, and is a wonderful husband, but what does he do in that little bit of spare time?

Turns out, Glenn is something of an audiophile. He loves his vinyl, his high-end amplifiers and IEMs (“In-Ear Monitors,” you know, for the uninitiated)!

Glenn Runyan - Owner and Manager

Jake - Asst. Manager

STAFF FLOTATIONISTS: Colin, Dan, Lisa, Lori, and Mary!

Concept & Design: Dan S., Float Shizzlifier (

Float Syracuse