Bodymind February Float Notes

The bird dares to break the shell. The shell breaks open and the bird can fly.

This is the simplest principle of success. You dream, you dare, and you fly.”
– Israelmore Ayivor

Lucid Dreaming

Whether we remember our dreams or not, we all dream. During a good night’s sleep we spend up to two hours dreaming over the course of four to six dream cycles. Research suggests that dreams may help with memory and emotions, or that dreams may just be the brain’s way of “tidying up” to prepare for the coming day.

It often seems our dreams are nothing but a series of random images and stories. But, what if we could actively control what we dream?

“Lucid dreaming” is when we are aware we are dreaming, but we remain asleep and in the dream state. Studies suggest that about half of us have had at least one lucid dream.

In a lucid dream you know the events you’re witnessing aren’t real, but the dream feels like waking life, and you may even be able to participate in the dream and direct the action.

Why have lucid dreams? Lucid dreaming may help you explore strategies to address interpersonal, competitive, or creative situations.

It could also provide you with a sense of control that stays with you during your waking life. And, controlling the action in your dreams might help with nightmares.

Finally, research has also found that it may be possible to improve simple motor skills while asleep. “Practicing” while dreaming appears to activate the same part of your brain as practicing while awake.

WebMD on Lucid Dreams

Life is but a dream…

Lucid dreaming may provide a number of benefits…but how do we do it? I mean, I’m sleeping every night, and “nothing happens!”

There are few techniques lucid dreamers use to create this state.

First, throughout the day do “reality tests.” Try pushing your finger through your hand, or breathing through your mouth with your mouth closed. Testing during the day may allow you to test while dreaming, allowing you to recognize you’re in a dream.

Second, create an intention before sleeping. Say: “Tonight I’ll remember I’m dreaming.” You could also set an alarm for about five hours into the night, awaken, and set that intention again for when you fall back asleep.

Finally, keep a detailed dream journal by recording your dreams upon awakening. This may help you recognize your dreams and then enter the lucid state.

No matter how you’re dreaming, here’s wishing us all sweet (and productive) dreams!

Tips and Tricks for Lucid Dreaming

More Ways to Save on Floats!

Whether you're a new customer eager to explore the benefits of floating or a returning member seeking a commitment-free experience, we're here to help you find your bliss. Don't miss out on our upgraded Float Foundations Starter Bundle and membership flexibility. Share your story, inspire others, and earn a free float – it's all part of the Bodymind Float Center Syracuse experience.

New and Improved Float Foundations Starter Bundle

We're thrilled to announce exciting upgrades to our Float Foundations Starter Bundle. New customers can now enjoy a bonus 4th float if they complete the 3-float bundle within 3 weeks. While enabled for first-time guests, it’s also available to those who have not redeemed it yet! Check out the link below for a second chance!

Get the Starter Bundle

Membership Without Commitment

For our valued returning customers, we have some great news! We've eliminated all commitment requirements for membership renewals. Sign up to be a member and get all of the benefits of membership with none of the hassle.

Sign Up for a Membership

Share Your Floating Journey

We believe in the power of our float community, and we want to hear your stories. Your stories inspire us and others, so let's celebrate the benefits of floating together. Share how floating has positively affected your life and in return you'll receive a free float on us!

Share Your Story


Float Helm tracks appointments and credits in one convenient location. This gives you the power to get free floats through referrals!

Log into your Bodymind account. You will see a blue button that says “Refer friends for free floatation therapies.” Click that button and get your personal discount code.

Share that code with your friends and family. When they book, they will use that code, and you will automatically get credit for that referral…and your friends will receive a 10% discount on their floats!

- For regular guests, every 8 referrals will automatically give you a credit for a free float.

- For members, your free float comes after just 5 referrals!

Friday Deep Relaxation Group with Safe Space!

Friday’s “Deep Relaxation Group” with Safe Space will now run the second Friday of every month! Next up, Friday, February 9th!

The Deets…

Cost: Free, donation-based

Time: 6pm

Location: Bodymind Salt Room

How do I book?

Note that space is limited. If you missed out last month, don't let this opportunity slip away again!

Hosted in collaboration with Safe Space Organization & @agraff.mindfulhealthcoach, this event promises a profound sense of relaxation and well-being. 🌿

Hope Floats!

We’re proud of the health benefits that float-research has revealed, but we also think it’s important that the medical profession take the next step.

What would that look like? We envision a time when doctors and medical professionals can actually prescribe floating for anxiety and specific bodily pains!

To this end, your very own Bodymind Float Center Syracuse is participating in a fundraising drive for The Float Research Collective.

To participate, follow the link below or click the image!

Clickable Link 🔗 of the QR code above

(because pointing your phone at its screen is a curious endeavor)

You totally deserve it.

Meet the Staff!


In addition to loving floating, the Bodymind staff has a “thing” for sushi.

Last week, our fearless leader Glenn hooked us up with some big platters from Aung at AT Sushi for our second annual Bodymind Sushi Blast!

From left to right: Glenn, Mary, Dan, Lisa, Shayne (staff adjacent), and, down front, Jake. We’re sushi fueled and ready to go!

Glenn Runyan - Owner and Manager

Jake - Asst. Manager

STAFF FLOTATIONISTS: Colin, Dan, Lisa, Lori, and Mary!

Concept & Design: Dan S., Therapeutic Buoyancy Specialist (

Float Syracuse