Stasis Float Notes - April 2024

When life is calm, everyone wants to float.

When life is stressful, everyone should float.

What is your Toxic Stress Load?

Toxic stress occurs when your “fight-or-flight” response is activated too often or for too long. Over time, physical and emotional challenges pile up in the body. This accumulated stress is your “Toxic Stress Load” (TSL).

Back when we were living in caves and running from lions and tigers and bears (!), we needed fast and powerful stress reactions to survive. Stress makes our heart beat faster, our blood pressure increase, and floods our body with adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormones). We’re stronger, faster, and more alert, and therefore more likely to live to fight another day.

But today, our “tigers” are more likely to be kittens, and our stress is coming from social media, family, co-workers, etc.!

When we experience stress over a long period, the stress hormones continue to surge through our bodies making us susceptible to fatigue and illness (leading to a vicious circle?). For example, our inability to escape technology—for even a day—constantly activates our stress response.

…and even more on TSL

As you may suspect, flotation therapy helps regulate our stress hormones, decreasing cortisol levels in the blood. And, disconnecting from the world for 90 minutes gives the nervous system a break, which is beneficial for our mental health!

Research on Floating and Cortisol

We're thrilled to share that we have a special announcement! As of March 20th, Bodymind Float Center Syracuse is renamed as “Stasis Float Center.”

Float into Serenity, Find Your Stasis🌊

For those who have an established float practice, our new name should ring true. We've all experienced the stasis that arises during a float. Though the Bodymind name will always be part of our history, “Stasis” feels like its spiritual successor—something Syracuse can call its very own!

No Stress, All Accounts Remain
Active And Unaffected

What does the name change mean for me and my “Bodymind” (now “Stasis”) account?
First, know this: our reservation and waiver systems, float memberships, available credits, and gift cards are not affected by the name change!
Your existing account is unchanged.

And (more good news)…to launch the new name, during the 3-month transition period we want to give you some free floats and salt sessions!

For every three regular member floats you complete you will receive a free, “bonus” float to be used in the next 30 days. Also, every time you or a co-member visits for a member float, you have the opportunity to book a free salt room session the day of your member float!

But what if you just love to read the newsletter (and why wouldn’t you?) and you’re not a member? Well friend, there is no better time to join than now. Every new float member will automatically receive a free, bonus float at sign-up!

Finally, as we embark on this new journey, we remain committed to providing you with the wonderful service you've come to know. We love our floaters and salters. Your joy is what makes all of our efforts worthwhile and we're excited to journey with you into this new era of serenity and stasis.

Jello Floats!

For the month of April we will be filling the tanks with jello, so come in for a special JELLO FLOAT!

Visit us in May, when we’re doing instant pudding!


Friday Deep Relaxation Group with Safe Space!

The April “Deep Relaxation Group” with Safe Space will be on Friday, April 12!

The Deets…

Cost: donation-based

Time: 6pm

Location: Stasis Salt Room

How do I book?

Note that space is limited. If you missed out last month, don't let this opportunity slip away again!

Hosted in collaboration with Safe Space Organization & @agraff.mindfulhealthcoach, this event promises a profound sense of relaxation and well-being. 🌿

Hope Floats!

We’re proud of the health benefits that float-research has revealed, but we also think it’s important that the medical profession take the next step.

What would that look like? We envision a time when doctors and medical professionals can actually prescribe floating for anxiety and specific bodily pains!

To this end, your very own Stasis Float Center is participating in a fundraising drive for The Float Research Collective.

To participate, follow the link below or click the image!

You totally deserve it.

Meet the Staff!

Every floatationist at Stasis is also a regular floater!

…so we all have great hair and skin! A standard float exposes your skin to Epsom salt that helps to soften and exfoliate rough, dry skin, and can add life and volume to thin, limp hair.

Glenn Runyan - Owner and Manager

Jake - Asst. Manager

STAFF FLOTATIONISTS: Colin, Dan, Lisa, Mary, and Melissa!

Concept and design by Dan S., Galactic Viceroy of Floatation Excellence (

Float Syracuse