March 2023 Float Notes

Bridge Street Live!

WOW! Bodymind’s own Glenn Runyan spreads the word on floating. Check out the five-minute video below…

Bridge Street Live

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy

Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy? R.E.S.T.? Sensory Deprivation? Float tanks?

What's in a name? “That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” ~ Willy S.

Names aside, what about the science? Today is your lucky day because we’ve done the research for you!

“Irrespective of diagnosis, Floatation-REST substantially reduced stated anxiety…. Moreover, participants reported significant reductions in stress, muscle tension, pain, depression and negative affect, accompanied by a significant improvement in mood characterized by increases in serenity, relaxation, happiness and overall well-being.”

The Full PubMed Article

“Stress, depression, anxiety, and worst pain were significantly decreased whereas optimism and sleep quality significantly increased for the flotation-REST group.”

BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies Article

During the month of March, we give a little extra attention to all of the amazing accomplishments of strong, determined women. Since 1987, the United States has formally recognized March as National Women’s History Month.

More on Women’s History Month

Flotation Therapy and Pregnancy

March is Women’s History Month, and Bodymind is proud to promote flotation therapy for women in their second and third trimesters of pregnancy. In addition to the regular benefits of floating, floating while pregnant allows you to escape the added weight of pregnancy by taking the strain off the body and spine (and feet!).

This is what happens when you float during pregnancy….

You totally deserve it.

Meet the Staff!

The #1 joy of working at a float center:

Watching customers walk into the float center stressed and hurried, then watching them emerge from their float, relaxed with smiles on their faces.

Glenn Runyan - Owner and Manager

Jake - Asst. Manager

STAFF FLOTATIONISTS: Colin, Dan, Lisa, Lori, and Mary!

Point your phone here to book now!

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